Artist: Na-Young Han
Location: Berengo Foundation, Murano Venice
Today, July 1st 2016, the artist Na-Young Hang has accomplished his period of residency at Berengo Studio 1989 furnace in Murano, Venice. Berengo Foundation selected the artist during the 10th Arte Laguna Prize and hosted her in residence for one month.
The Berengo Foundation was established

Olympics and sculpture, Excellence Award, Beijing, China
2005년8월 전세계의 조각가들이 2433점 응모하였으며
그중 국제심사위원이 290점의 수상작품을 선발하여 중국내도시
북경, 텐진, 하문, 장춘, 란주, 정주, 서안, 타이웬, 석가장, 난닝,