- E-mail/ hannas94@naver.com, phone /010-9190-9099
- https://www.facebook.com/nayoung.han.7505/
- https://www.instagram.com/nayoung.han.7505/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5O523As2eib9IcLoPEAPeQ
개인전 10회
2023 서울국제조각페스타(3월2~3월5일), 코엑스, 서울
2019 갤러리라노,서울
2018 영국공모전 Artrooms Fair Seoul,Selected Artist,Riviera Hotel
2016 앰배서더 호텔 갤러리 개인전, 서울
2015 아산병원 갤러리초대전, 서울
2013 세종호텔 세종갤러리초대전, 서울
2010 “한국미술,그힘과아름다움” 아카겔러리초대전, 코엑스,서울
2009 하나아트갤러리초대전,서울
2007 박영덕 화랑초대전, 서울
1999 강릉문예회관, 강릉
단체전 71회
2017 Metanoia Gallery, 프랑스,파리
2016 이태리 Premio Arte Laguna15,16 공모전, 유리작품레지던스상 수상
이태리무라노 베렌고스튜디오에서 한달동안 유리작품제작
2013 Urban Art Retreat Center, 시카코,미국
2012 소망의무게 ,Pink Gallery,서울
2012 KIAF/12(한국국제아트페어),조선화랑,서울, 코엑스
2012 홍콩아트페어, 홍콩,파크레인
2011 대구아트페어 현대조각특별전, 대구컨벤션센타
2013~2007 한국조각가협회전,서울시립미술관,세종문화회관
2013~2011 서래풀조각회,서울, 겔러리 K
2010 ShContemporary 10 ,중국 상하이
2012~2010 서초미술협회전 , 서울 한전아트센터 겔러리
2008 봉산미술제,동원화랑,대구
2008 베이징올림픽기념 조각공원 국제공모전, 우수상수상
2008~2006 베이징올림픽기념 공모전 수상자 조각순회전
새크라멘토,바로셀로나,시카코,워싱턴,아틀란타 등
16개국 35개도시 38번순회전시
2005 한국국제아트페어,코엑스, 서울
2005 상하이국제아트페어,무역회관,상하이,중국
2003 화랑미술제, 예술의전당, 서울
2002 한국국제아트페어,벡스코,부산
2002 프랑스한국미술초대전,파리,프랑스
2002 터어키앙카라현대미술초대전, 터어키한국문화원, 터어키
2001~96 대한민국산업미술가협회전,서울시립미술관,서울
2000~93 한국미협전, 예술의전당,서울
1997 한국현대미술특별전, 문화일보갤러리,서울
1996~93 동아공예대전수상, 일민미술관, 서울
1994 대한민국공예대전수상,국립현대미술관,과천
1982 숙명여자대학교 미술대학 공예과졸업
현 재
한국조각가협회 회원
한국미협 회원
서초미술협회 회원
중국 베이징진타이박물관
숙명여자대학교 vip 룸
서울무학여고 중앙홀
서울명동 세종호텔 로비
이태리 무라노 Berengo Studio, 박물관
10 solo exhibitions
2023 International Sculpture Festa12, COEX, Seoul
2019 Gallery Rano, Seoul
2018 Artrooms Fair Seoul,Selected Artist,Riviera Hotel
2016 Grand Ambassador Gallery, Seoul
2015 Asan Medical Center Gallery, Seoul
2013 Sejong Hotel gallery, Seoul
2010 Korea Golf Art Collection Special Event, Gallery AKA , Coex, Seoul
2009 Hana Art Gallery, Seoul
2007 Galerie Bhak, Seoul
1999 Gangnueng Culture Center, Gangnueng, Korea
71 Group Exhibitions
2017 Metanoia Gallery, France,Paris
2016 Premio Arte Laguna 15,16 / Italy "ARTIST IN RESIDENCE" WINNERS
One month at Berengo Studios in Murano made glass work
2013 Urban Art Retreat Center, Chicago, U.S.A
2012 Pink Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2012 The11 Korea International Art Fair, COEX, Seoul, Korea
2012 Hong Kong Contemporary ,Park lane Hong Kong
2011 Daegu Art Fair Special Exhibition, , Exco, Daegu
2013-2007 Korea Sculptors Association Exhibition,
Sejong Center for the performing Arts, Seoul.
2013-2011 Seoraepool Sculptorrs Association Exhibition, Gallery K, Seoul
2010 ShContemporary 10, Shanghai Exhibition Centre,China
2012-2010 Seocho Art Festival, Gallery KEPCO,Seoul.
2008 Bong san Art Fair, Gallery Dong won, Daegu
2008 Beijing Olympic Memorial Sculpture Park International Competition
Excellence Award, Beijing, China
2008~06 Beijing Olympic Commemorative Contest, Winner Sculpture Exhibition
38 tours in 35 cities in 16 countries at
Beijing,Tianjin,Xiamen,Changchun,Lanzhou,Zhengzhou,X i'an,Ningbo,Taiyuan,
Shijiazhuang,Nanning,Shenzhen,Guangzhou,Macao,London,Hong Kong,
Karamay,Seoul,Los Angeles,Report,Rome,Lausanne,Gisborn,Auckland,
2005 Korea International Art Fair, Coex, Seoul
2005 Shanghai International Art Fair, Shanghai MART, China
2003 Seoul Art Fair, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2002 Exhibition of Korean Art, Paris, France
2002 Korea International Art Fair, Bexco, Busan, Korea
2002 Exhibition of Modern Art, Ankara Modern Arts Cultural Center, Turkey
2001~96 Korea Industrial Artists Association Exhibition,Seoul Museum of Art,Seoul
2000~93 Korea Art Association Exhibition,Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
1997 Korea Modern Art Special Exhibition, Munhwa Ilbo Gallery, Seoul
1996~93 Dong-A National crafts Arts Competition, Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul
1994 Korea National Grand crafts Arts Competition, National Museum of Contemporary Art,Korea
Education 1982 B.F.A Graduated from Fine Art College, SookMyung Women's University
Member of Korea Sculpture Association, Korea Artists Association,
Korea Industrial Artists Association
Public Collections
Beijing Jintai Museum, China
China Beijing Olympic Green
Seoul Dohwa-dong Dream & Green Apartment Central Square
Sookmyung Women's University VIP Room
Hoseo University President's Office
Seoul Muhak Girls' High School Central Hall
Myeongdong Sejong Hotel Lobby
Italy Murano Berengo Studio, gallery